Thursday, July 30, 2009

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

im 16. never shaved, but i just trim the hair down ( works for now) still have peach colored/ some black facial hairs. I want to grow out sideburns and a goatee

What can i do to speed up facial hair growth with darker hair?

i heard shaving helps. is it true? or should i wait? ot do something else?

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

Unfortunately no. It is a myth that by shaving your hair would grow in thicker/coarser. Unfortunately, you're just going to have to wait until it comes in thicker on it's own.

Some men NEVER can grow a full beard/take Johnny Depp for an example, notice that he has very little facial hair on the sides.

It's heredity, not shaving that produces a heavy beard/mustache.

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

Shaving it will not grow it faster. Get some Rogaine and put it where you want the hair to grow...

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

there are many myths out there, like eating a lot of foods w/ Vitamin C. but yes the more you shave the faster and thicker facial hair will grow back.

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

You can get your facial hair dyed. I wouldn't go too dark to begin with, it might look shocking to you. It really doesn't cost that much either.

Call a salon that offers aesthetic treatments.

Im 16. How can I grow out more and darker facial hair (sideburns/ goatee)?

Boys look for way to increase facial hair growth and girls for ways to reduce it. But neither find a meaningful answer.

Wait this one out.

It's probably better to shave it as necessary, to make it look neater and for no other reason. It won't increase the growth. That will come over the next five or six years. But always remember that not every male has a heavy beard any more than every female has a hair-free face. There are considerable variations.

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