Thursday, July 30, 2009

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who hav

goat-tees, etc, and if they want their players to feel a bit more relaxed, instead of like an uptight Wall St. banker, why not do away with this stupid rule? Obviously, it isn't working anymore for them. They haven't won a WS in 7 years. The Red Sox, who allow facial hair, have won 2 in the past 4 seasons. In order to compete with their arch-rival, maybe they should 86 this stupid rule, you agree?

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

It's a dumb old rule, but players usually want to play for NY so much thatthey don't mind neatening up to do so. If it came down to it and they were hindered from signing a player they really wanted just because of that rule, they would get rid of it... it just has not come up yet.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

It's a silly rule but since the yankees more than make up for it by overpaying free agents to a disgusting degree. I don't think the players mind shaving or cutting their hair. Look at Johnny Damon, he's the perfect example. He sold out all the fans that made him a superstar for the $$$... because it certainly wasn't for the ring!

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

Oh yeah, I'm sure the reason the Red Sox win is because they allow facial hair.

/end sarcasm

You're an idiot.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

Wow - you read this answer in a question a few minutes ago - now there are three questions asking this. Original for sure.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

I would have to agree with the top 2 posters... I don't think that no facial hair is stopping any free agents.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

It's a standard that's been there pretty much since the Boss bought them in '73. It doesn't matter but I will repost a comment from earlier to Hockey Guy:

As far as the question about the goatee being the deal breaker, let's look at the logic on this. Okay you're Santana and you have a goatee. There's this team with 26 world championships offering you millions and a shot at a WS ring, which by the way, when you look in your jewelry box you have several seasons of 1 and done jewelry and that's all you have to show for the talent you have expended. (Theme from Jeopardy starts playing) you're thinking let's see big contract or goatee, big contract or goatee, gee I better take some Exlax so I can think better.

And as far as Damon is concerned, it wasn't Boston or the fans that made him good. He was already decent when he left Oakland.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

Let the players do what they want. If a guy can hit 40 hr's, but wants a goat-tee, let him have it. If a pitcher can give you 20 wins but wants a beard, let him keep it.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

Management sets the standards they want their players to live by and the players are expected to comply. If they don't like it there are 29 other teams that might want to employ them.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

I'm not a yankee fan by any means but they had this rule back when they were winning so I don't think it has anything to do with it. Baseball is a job to these players, if you leave your job for more money and that company offers you more money to look clean, of course you'll do it, you may not like it but you'll do it. All in all, the yankees not winning a world series in a while goes deeper than just this little rule.

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

It's tradition though. If they let players be shaggy, then I would probably begin a nation-wide petition to make them put names on the back of their jerserys like every other team that isn't as "special" as they are do.

And just because I'm curious, what free agent can the Yankees NOT lure right now because they refuse to shave? If Randy Johnson and Johnny Damon could do it...

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

Actually that's one of the only things I like about the Yankees. Their players always look classy - clean cut. So many players (and people) today look like homeless people. Its a matter of self-respect. Liek they told Giambi and Damon, "You are a Yankee now, look like one."

Should the Yankees axe their no long hair/facial hair rule? If they want to land free agents who have beards?

For the right amount of $$$...I'd shave anything so I don't think a player's decision will be made to keep his beard over a ton of money!!!???

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