Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to make facial hair thinner?

My beard grows out really thick and fast and when I shave in the morning a 5 o'clock shadow is visible by afternoon. I don't like it at all and my confidence takes a blow because of this...........Does anyone know a way to make facial hair thinner (natural method preferred).



How to make facial hair thinner?

when you wax the hair comes back thinner.....

How to make facial hair thinner?

You can't really do anything, but like she said, you can wax it (ouch!). But, with my experience, I usually am pretty quick and impatient with shaving, so I don't shave too well and the beard comes back much quicker, so basically just take more time with shaving or get a razer blade (they cut closer than electronic ones depending on the model) if your using an electronic one. But yeah, there's really nothing you can do other than taking the hair off in a different way.

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