Monday, July 27, 2009

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

i have pubes and armpit hair etc...but no facial hair WATSOEVER!!!!!!!! why...

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

! it will happen, its a bit too early right now!!!

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

it'll happen be patient

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

too much girly hormones

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

yes bcoz it depend in your genetic.....

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

ask your father

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

genetics. Perhaps you will never get facial hair, or very little. I work with a 27 year old guy that has very little, do you have any American Indian blood in you?

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

people get hair at different times

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

relax, wait you will get your quota of facial hair in due course,

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

are you asian, my Chinese friend has almost no facial hair it grew very slowly in (he's 20) but its not like he wouldn't shave it anyway! Don't worry about it keep in mind that you are the mac and watch how reality will make that happen

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

You have to be more well guarded when you go to bed. Someone is putting Nair all over your face while you are asleep.

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

aww so cute i love that.

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????


wait and see.

but hey, where's your problem? ;)

Im 19....a guy, no facial hair...normal????

its coz of your genes.......but you will get some hair soon......dont worry abot it....anyways its good you dont have that much hair........

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