Monday, July 20, 2009

Recipes for Facial Hair bump Removal?

I am a preteen and I have facial hair bumps all over my face. It's not very bad but I'd like to get rid of them. Any tips?

Recipes for Facial Hair bump Removal?

This may sound crazy, but it does work for alot of people. Mix together a little olive oil, lemon juice and Sugar. The white granulated kind. Mix nearly equal amounts of each together. Adjust the amount of the ingredients to kepp the consistancy thick and paste like. Then, using your fingers, rub lightly in small circles, all over your face. Work the grainy paste slowly over your skin. You may wish to concentrate on troubled areas, but not for too lomg. When you feel you have covered enough area, which should take just a few minutes, Rinse very well with lukewarm or tepid water. Repeat with a little cooler water and be sure to remove all the sugar granules off your skin. Pat dry or blot to dry your skin. Never rub with a towel. Your skin will feel so wonderful and shoud be free of anything blocking pores and your skin should feel smooth and soft. This is a great exfoliant for any part of the body too. Be sure to follow up with a good toner and moisterizer.

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