Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?

I'm Chinese, and I'm sure you all know that Chinese people don't really have hairy faces. I want to have a hairier face. Is it possible? So far, I only have a little bit of mustache like on the sides, and a decent goatee. My dad can grow a mustache and goatee. I don't have hairy sideburns. I do have a lot of thin hair on my face like I can grow sideburns and a beard, but every time I shave them, it grows back thin and not visible to others. Anyway, my main question is-- is it possible for me to grow MORE facial hair (ie. beard) if my family genes in past generations aren't hairy? I read some answers to similar questions, and people said to keep shaving. I shave my goatee and mustache every other day because that's how fast they grow back, but not much of my mustache grows (only still the sides).

Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?

Hair is actually a modified type of skin. Hair grows everywhere on the human body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, eyelids, and lips. Hair grows more quickly in summer than winter, and more slowly at night than during the day.

Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?

Yes.If your dad has hair on his face,it's possible you can.

Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?

it's possible.

Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?


Is it possible to grow facial hair if I didn't come from a "hairy" family?

Just shave a lot and it will grow like crazy after a while.

Where can I find Epicare facial hair remover in USA or Canada?

I've heard that the Epicare facial hair remover removes hair from the roots without damaging the skin, kind of like threading, but better than waxing because it does not rip off a layer of skin when you use Epicare. I only want to buy the original authentic Epicare. No fakes or cheap copycats please!!

Where can I find Epicare facial hair remover in USA or Canada?

Epicare can only be purchased online. They are available from www.facialhairthreading.com Shipping is very fast!! They carry the original authentic Epicare facial hair remover.

Where can I find Epicare facial hair remover in USA or Canada?

You can get it sent from the epicare site at www.epicare.co.uk they have very fast shipping and deliver worldwide.

Where can I find Epicare facial hair remover in USA or Canada?

Maybe in sally house i'm not sure though probably there though they have s much stuff there for hair removal and all that kind of stuff i'm pretty sure you will prbably find it there if not ask the people who work there they will probably tel you where they sell it or go to a hair salon they will either hvae it there or they probably know where they sel it i'm sure either one of those places you will find it or get an idea where sell it. Good Luck looking for it!

Bald heads and facial hair?

I'm a head shaver, and I'd like to know if the women here that like men with shaved heads prefer some facial hair, and if so what look (goatie, fu manchu etc.) or head and face shaved completely neked?

Bald heads and facial hair?

If you shave your head completely, some facial hair is a must. A cleanly groomed goatee is the best, no full beard unless you want to look like a hobo, please. But really, it all comes down to what you're comfortable with. Whatever you're comfortable with, you're more likely to maintain, and being maintained is important.

Bald heads and facial hair?

Yes some facial hair would look handsome

Bald heads and facial hair?

dude. if youre bald, you gotta have facial hair. if not...you'll look like a cancer patient. all pale and sickly looking. fumanchu? are you kidding? goatee or full beard are your only options, amigo. you dont need a woman to tell you that. you should just know.

Bald heads and facial hair?

I don't like any facial hair. I think a fu manchu looks like a woman's private part....sorry...just keep it clean, all the way!

Bald heads and facial hair?

i think bald guys with facial hair are HOT!! SEXY!!!!

Bald heads and facial hair?

i like bald heads and hair on their heads, but the hair cut has to be low. I like facial hair but it's not a requirement of me.

Mom of B %26amp; D

Bald heads and facial hair?

bald guys with facial hair are so hot! my fiance just shaved his head, not completely bald, but he looks like it since his hair was longer....he only shaves every couple days, and it was starting to grow out and he liked it, but i really did not get the chance to see how it looked w/ his new hair.....i think i would prefer if he just shaves every 2-3 days, nothing longer since he is only 22 and i think he would look older with lots of facial hair and being bald. i still like really short hair on guys! HOT HOT!!!

Bald heads and facial hair?

A Bald head with a goatie is hot...very hot =)

Bald heads and facial hair?

Bald is good, with just a little facial stubble, but not above the lips.

How to get facial hair fast?

am 17 and i barely have any facial hair... what are somethings i can do to make it grow faster?

How to get facial hair fast?

? why would you want facial hair..

most girls like guys without facial hair

How to get facial hair fast?

Age faster.

You're only 17- my dad couldn't grow a beard until he was 30.

How to get facial hair fast?

Grow up.

:-) You could always use a Sharpie.

How to get facial hair fast?

miracle grow

How to get facial hair fast?

shave in the bald areas , as if you had alot of hair! other than that there is really nothing you can do !~

How to get facial hair fast?

drink lots of water take care of your body, you can grow your hair out and also massage the part of your face that you want hair to grow...it'll stimulate the hair so it grows fast

How to get facial hair fast?

Hormones and genes dictate what a person will have. You can't force it, without causing nasty side effects. It would be best to remain natural and deal with what you have, making it look best as you can.

My husband didn't grow full beards and mustaches till he was at least 23.

How to get facial hair fast?

Take testosterone supplements.

How to get facial hair fast?

lol nothing. just wait you may just have to wait till your 18 or 19. my bf is 17 and only has a moustache no facial hair lol he wants more too..why idk its just itchy to me. just be patient.

How to get facial hair fast?

shave the little facial hair you have off. Keep doing this and it will slowly grow in thicker each time and eventually you will have a full beard.

How to get facial hair fast?

best thing i can say, being 18 myself, is just start to shave every day. That is really the only thing that will do anything for you. It isnt going to work super fast but, there is not much you can do. The only other thing i can think of is make sure you are getting enough nutrition to promote hair growth.

How to get facial hair fast?

Wait for some to grow...either you have it or you don't.

How to get facial hair fast?

Do a facial comb-over... grow out what is there really long and then wrap it around the rest of your face!

How to get facial hair fast?


How to cover up facial hair temporarily!?

ok, i just got this job and it requires no facial hair and i have a goatie that i really like and other people really like. i don't want to get rid of it. and i only work at this place like 3 days a week. so its just a temporary thing. i know makeup probably won't do it but is there something else i could buy and use?

How to cover up facial hair temporarily!?

dude hair grows back, just shave

How to cover up facial hair temporarily!?


how the heck would you cover it up temporarily?!

Unless you have like a personal makeup person who can make a clay model of your face for you to wear over your real face I think you are out of luck and going to just have to shave

How to cover up facial hair temporarily!?

shave it off? it will grow back the next day

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

how can i grow facial hair fast im 14.Is there anyway i can get it naturally like some type of food or drink.If i shave my skin will it grow back.

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

Whats the rush, but yes shaving every day does help stimulate hair growth. *

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

Shaving isn't fun. It's just another thing you have to do in the morning. Enjoy your lack of facial hair kid.

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

if u shave in that area the hair will grow but it will be thick

but don't do it because u have to shave 2-3 times a day

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

Funny question, would never have thought of it as a kid...........anyway, I would assume Testosterone would...........look it up.

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

more crust from your bread...and make sure too shave alot...the more you shave the more it will come in...and somepeople just dont have much facial hair

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

if you shave in a up motion it cuts closest making the root more exposed, all faces are different as well as puberty it will happen when it happens and before you know it you will wish you never started.

Im 14 how can i grow facial hair fast i only have light tiny facial hair?

if you shave @ this point you may screw up the smoothness of your skin you'll want to have caressed when you grow up. Notice the males in your family and ask them when their hair started getting thicker when they were teens..........

Bald heads and facial hair?

I'm a head shaver, and I'd like to know if the women here that like men with shaved heads prefer some facial hair, and if so what look (goatie, fu manchu etc.) or head and face shaved completely neked?

Bald heads and facial hair?

If you shave your head completely, some facial hair is a must. A cleanly groomed goatee is the best, no full beard unless you want to look like a hobo, please. But really, it all comes down to what you're comfortable with. Whatever you're comfortable with, you're more likely to maintain, and being maintained is important.

Bald heads and facial hair?

Yes some facial hair would look handsome

Bald heads and facial hair?

dude. if youre bald, you gotta have facial hair. if not...you'll look like a cancer patient. all pale and sickly looking. fumanchu? are you kidding? goatee or full beard are your only options, amigo. you dont need a woman to tell you that. you should just know.

Bald heads and facial hair?

I don't like any facial hair. I think a fu manchu looks like a woman's private part....sorry...just keep it clean, all the way!

Bald heads and facial hair?

i think bald guys with facial hair are HOT!! SEXY!!!!

Bald heads and facial hair?

i like bald heads and hair on their heads, but the hair cut has to be low. I like facial hair but it's not a requirement of me.

Mom of B %26amp; D

Bald heads and facial hair?

bald guys with facial hair are so hot! my fiance just shaved his head, not completely bald, but he looks like it since his hair was longer....he only shaves every couple days, and it was starting to grow out and he liked it, but i really did not get the chance to see how it looked w/ his new hair.....i think i would prefer if he just shaves every 2-3 days, nothing longer since he is only 22 and i think he would look older with lots of facial hair and being bald. i still like really short hair on guys! HOT HOT!!!

Bald heads and facial hair?

A Bald head with a goatie is hot...very hot =)

Bald heads and facial hair?

Bald is good, with just a little facial stubble, but not above the lips.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

I read someplace once that a beard on a man suggests hiding something. What do you ladies think about facial hair on a guy

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

Guys often let it get wild looking. I prefer it a bit more clean cut, if they even have facial hair, which I would rather they didn't. Some men look okay with facial hair, but others look ridiculous! It really depends on their face shape. Teenaged boys shouldn't try and grow it because they usually look so silly with that extra hair, and it makes me think that they are trying to look more masculine, which is pretty much laughable.

I don't think it means that they are trying to hide anything, but maybe some grow it for that reason. Overall, I really think that men grow moustaches, beards, side burns, etc. as a fashion statement or to be a part of the growing trend.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

I don't care for it. It makes you think he's hiding a weak chin, or a double chin. If it's one of those just around the jawline ones, like AJ on Sopranos - he's gay.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

Personally, no beards...maybe, a little bit of stubble. IDK maybe subconsciously, a beard makes me think a guy is trying to hide something, but I think more that it's dirty, especially if the guy is a slob, who knows what is in there.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

It doesn't mean anything other than they 'think' they look good/better with it than without it. (and some of them are right!) (some of them are also sadly mistaken :)

It's all about attraction.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

i personally dont like facial hair. i think it ages them a lot and makes them all scraggly and errr blehhhh...

my opinion though.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

no it don't mean that to me..it means to me that he didn't feel like shaving, or he don't want to shave that much do to razor bumps that will come if he shaves too often..or he just like his beard..

however, if he's going to wear the beard then keep it nice and neat

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

Nothing wrong or conniving about facial hair.

I think it actually looks very handsome on some people.

Now if they had a big crazy bush covering half their face, it could mean they're trying to disguise themselves and hiding out from the law.

Otherwise, a nice well-groomed mustache or goatee can make a guy look quite debonair.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

I don't necessarily think it means he's trying to hide something. It's all about attraction... some guys look better with facial hair and some guys look better without. I don't read that much into it.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

no,some guys look good with facial hair

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

Well I'm a boy but I think that it's all about you. This is a totaly personal question... I personaly don't grow beard becouse I think it makes me look unhigenic. And most boys/man that don't shape their beard all the time look that way IMO. So, hiding something? I don't think so. Not from my point of view. I hope I helpped. The laddies will probably have something more to say.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

the right amount of facial hair on a guy is hot--rugged and edgy. but too much is a MAJOR turn off! and i hate when guys with reeeeally handsome faces like johnny depp and leonardo dicaprio have mustaches and beards--it looks SO bad! but anyway....i've never thought of a guy who had facial hair as he was hiding anything, but its an interesting thought.

Ladies do you think facial hair means a guy is trying to hide something?

No, I don't think so at all.

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

Im 23 and shave every day, but my facial hair does not grow all over, just on my chin and neck. Why is this???

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

keep shaving all of your face and not just where the hair grows and it will spread

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

don't know mate but atleast a tin of shaving foam will last u for ages

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

Cos ur lucky

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

Surely you dont want to look like a werewolf !

Why does my facial hair grow only on my chin???

thats the way it is

I need help with facial hair?

I have a facial hair on my lip and chin. I am allergic to many cremes and can't use alot of the products on the market. Any suggestions? Serious answers only please.

I need help with facial hair?

There is a website: www.nevershaveagain.com

It may help you out.

I need help with facial hair?

Well what do you want to do with your facial hair? You only made a statement.

I need help with facial hair?

get one of those little electric razors....there real tiny i use them to shape my eyebrows...i think its called an eyebrow razor

I need help with facial hair?

Are you allergic to wax? If you want a permanent method and are able to afford it, you may want to consider laser treatment or electrolysis.

I need help with facial hair?

1st thing is... Are you a smoker? If so then you are more likely to get facial hair. What cremes have you tried?

I need help with facial hair?

I have the same problem. Go see a dermatologist. Many will be able to offer you laser removal of the hair. It worked for me.

I need help with facial hair?

Electronic razer

I need help with facial hair?


I need help with facial hair?

Get a Mach3 Blade. Best Razor out there!

I need help with facial hair?

Maybe try waxing? I wax like once every two weeks.

I need help with facial hair?

um... shave it off with a razor

I need help with facial hair?

Try getting it threaded. They do it at most Indian (South Asian) Salons.

I need help with facial hair?

I have the same problem myself and can not use Nair creams etc I break out really bad! For one have you been check out for PCOS???? That is a syndrome that women can get that causes facial hair and hair in other places too. There is medication that HELPS a little to allot depends on the person it's called Glucaflodge (SP) sorry... for this condition.

Also waxing is another alternative check out "Sally's" stores if you have one in your area and salons may sell you the wax they have all types of wax on the market for sensitive skin types.

Best thing though is ASK YOUR DOCTOR about this problem he or she can suggest and help with blood work due to this is a hormone problem... Bottom line is hair will always come back no matter what but you can have it controlled so it don't come back as much and irritate your skin.

I need help with facial hair?

Homeopathic Treatment :-

THUJA 10M just once a month for three months.

Three doses in total.

Take Care and God Bless.

I need help with facial hair?

THUJA I knew the remedy but was'nt sure about the potency,Soul Doctor solved that . And you are supposed to avoid Chocolates and mints and Stuff when taking Homoeopathic Treatment.

I need help with facial hair?

there is a connection with facial hair in woman and glucose intolerance and not been able to have children is also connected to a condition call (pob) polysistic ovary syndrome. A short answer to a big problem it normalizes it self with a low carbohydrate diet and supplements like chromium picolinate vanady sulfate Gymnema sylvestre and other herbs that help improve the glucose metabolism in the body .Is hard to believe this but is true what happens is that people with this problem produce exes amounts of insulin and this exes insulin is converted into other hormones that stimulate facial hair and changes in the female cycle. This answer is a permanent solution to this problem and in a way to increase health and beauty through understanding the mechanism of a problem and really dealing with it

Does bleaching your facial hair eventually make your skin darker?

does bleaching your facial hair eventually make your skin darker in the area where you bleached?

Does bleaching your facial hair eventually make your skin darker?

In my experience, no. (About 10 years of bleaching).

Does bleaching your facial hair eventually make your skin darker?

Have it waxed, it will diminish the growth over time. Bleach is not good for your skin. You can wax it yourself. But use hot wax, not a cold one with the strips. they don't work well.

A question on facial hair?

Hey my problem is that i have facial hair high up on my cheeks im trying not to shave it off coz later it would become more prominent and look weird.Am i being paronoid or is there any other solution to this

A question on facial hair?

It won't become more prominent. Just shave it. Anyway, what's the difference if it did become more prominent? Just shave it regularly.

Love Jack.

A question on facial hair?


A question on facial hair?

I'd wait to shave it until it is really noticable.

Then shave it and keep shaving it.

If you'd like to.

Most guys do get facial hair high on their cheeks.

And some guys don't. It just depends on your genes.

But it will become more prominent that's why you have to make

sure you shave often.

A question on facial hair?

You did not tell your gender ,well in any of the case apply gram-flour with curd on your face don't rub leave till it is about to dry then gently Peel ...don't use any pressure and wash your face hope this should solve your problem .Be careful not rubbing your face .

A question on facial hair?

No, don't shave it, let it grow longer and then wear a turbine.

A question on facial hair?

Use a cream depilatory or have the hair lazered off

A question on facial hair?

A dermie can remove the hair with Intense Pulse Light (laser)treatment - may need more than 1 session, n a little costly.

A question on facial hair?

Get it remove.

A question on facial hair?

It depends on what looks good on you. If you want to be clean shaven the whole time, and this facial hair is bothering you, then shave it off. Otherwise, leave it. It might suite you.

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to lose my goatee, and I would like some opinions on what you think is more attractive, facial hair or clean-shaven.

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

well, personally, i don't like it, gets in the way when kissing...

but hey, why change yourself for a girl? there will be girls who appreciate it

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

honestly depends on the girl and you shouldn't be impressing anyone. do what you want and let the girl who likes it come to you...%26lt;3

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

I think a nicely trimmed goatee is sexy. Not a scraggly fluffy one that makes you look like you're in a metal band. =) Just keep it neat and clean

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

A moustache is VERRY sexy! As well as a goatee. The rule of thumb here is : as long as they are neat and well manicured...NOT unruly tufts of tangled webs! Too hairy is a BIG turn off! I mean, you may as well be kissin a hairy a$$ cuz who can tell the difference? Clean shaven is nice, too, and friendlier than stubble on our face or wherever. But a man with a moustache is just sexier and more, well, manlier!

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

they say it tickels, and then i go down on them


Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

not.. ususally..

it's okay sometimes

Question for the ladies. Facial hair, hot or not?

I like both! A well-kept bear and tash look hot on some guys. Be aware though, if you shave yours off, you'll have a rash of people saying 'you look so young!' lol. At least it'll grow back if you don't like the clean shaven look.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

my 2 month old baby seems to have lots of facial hair especially on his forehead, upperlip chin and brows(also i think he is too young his bones of skull havent formed yet and that shadow over the brow makes him kinda look unibrow acc to my friend : ( ). My friend who has twins says it is not normal?

I am a first time mom and have no clue! Any suggestions and also any remedies which might help, i dont want to do anything that may harm him or cause pain.

Let me know.


2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Babies, especially the younger ones, tend to have some interesting hair issues.

Before they're born, they're actually covered in fine hair all over.

If your son is newly developing this, and its short fine hair, I wouldn't worry about it, his baby hormones and system are still figuring everything out. If the hair growl long, thick, bushy, or continues past the next few months consider seeing your pediatrician about it.

In terms of removal of it.... Don't. It may not be the most photogenic thing in the planet, but its perfectly healthy for your child. Adding bleaches, creams, shaving, etc can cause skin irritation and problems in the long run....

From what you say, your baby is normal.

Love him for all the wonderful baby things he is, and say a silent prayer for your friend who has twins. She's a parent not a pediatrician, and her well meaning words have caused you great grief, on a subject that is likely going to be a moot point.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

This is normal. You don't need to do anything about it, it will fall off in time. My son was born with fuzz on his back, and it went away.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Don't do anything to him! Was he premmie? All babies hae hair in the womb it is for protection I think. It is called Laguno hair. My bub was quite hairy too especially in his back, he was only 3 weeks early, It does disappear. Ask your Dr I am sure he will confirm this.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

My neices and nephews were hairy like that.and just grew out of it...its normal...If you are concerned tho take him in to be checked.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

It's normal. That hair will most likely fall out by the time he's a year old. My daughter was SOOO hairy at first, black hair all over her face and body, and by the time she was a year old, even the hair on her head had fallen out. Then the hair on her head grew back, but light brown instead of black. Tell your friend with twins that twins aren't "normal" and to keep her opinions to herself.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

My son was born with a lot of hair on his ears, upper lip, shoulders, and his back. We called him our little monkey=). My two nieces were also. It will go away. My son still has hair on his upper lip and his ears. The shoulder hair and back hair has fallen out. My son is 4 months. Both of my nieces are a year old and their hair also fell out...I believe they were around 6 months when it was all gone.

Personally I wouldn't do anything for it. It will go away on its own and removing hair for an adult is painful I would hate to think how it would feel to an infant.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Its normal. My daughter had hair on her ears like an old man. It will eventually fall out.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

no need to worry this is common . if you are concerned contact his pediatrician office by phone and i am sure they will reassure u not worry it will go away with time.

Get rid of facial hair naturally?

Hi im 17, and for while i have been growing facial hair and i cant stand watching myself now on the miror for 5 seconds. I wanna kniw if there is any natural way of getting rid of it, not shaving since it will grow back. I know there might not be any real natural way, but there must be one that will make it never grow again and that wont cos any consequences, any help please? note: not waxing and laser removal ,i think they cause consequences

Get rid of facial hair naturally?

for permanent results... electrolysis and laser... but since u don't want that... there is a way... but i'm not sure if you're that willing to try it... estrogen pills... it develops more of your feminity and reduces testerone (masculinity) so.... poof goes your facial hair and manliness...

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

i know it probably changes from guy to guy, but in general do u like facial hair or no. i'm not talkin about like a mountain man beard but like a cool 5 oclock shadow or chin strap.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

It looks sexy....like 2-5 day old stubble....or a goatee....very hot;)

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

i like facial hair...it makes guy looks matured....

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

Facial hair is ok if it is well kept. Personally I don't like full beards! Yuck!! It's a big turn off for me. And as long as it is trimmed up enough to "please" your woman/women; than all will be well. Keep it soft, not ruff.

Rock on!

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

i like it as long as it looks good on them. I don't like it on asian guys....

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

cool, my son has a chin strap very sexy, but give me the full monty xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

i think its sexy and tickles when kissed anywhere

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

I dont really like it as it feels not right... Theres enough on the guys head, arms n legs :)

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

Yes, I like it. I don't like if it breaks me out. Not every guy I've kissed that has had facial hair has broken me out though. Just be sure you use an anti-bacterial face wash and keep your facial hair clean and not smelling like oil. If you get really sweaty or oily, that smell tends to linger in even the type of facial hair you are describing.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

On some men it looks O.K., but I am glad my husband doesn't have any. I find that it is annoying, and can be rough when kissing.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

Not a fan. It looks okay but it feels too uncomfortable when kissing.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

Absolutely hate facial hair - it is gross and filthy and a complete turn-off. My boyfriend once grew a beard and when we were intimate I had to put a pillow over his face in case it touched me. Even brushing it against my shoulder would chill me to the bone and send me screaming from bed to the shower for disinfectant. His lips did not touch me for months. Needless to say our relationship was strained until he shaved.

This is not to say that an occasional "cool 5 o'clock shadow" or not shaving over the weekend is not sexy.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

i like facial hair on guys! but yes, as u said, it depends from a guy to guy, not all of them look nice with hair on their face even if it is not a full beard. try to grow it the way u wish %26amp; ask opinions around u when do u look better before or after (maybe post 2 different pictures %26amp; ask for opinions)

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

Nah, no facial hair is best.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

facial hair is a big no-no for me. i like a guy who has smooth skin with no facial hair at all. coz facial hair tends to make guys look older, to some women that is sexy. For me, i like a guy who looks always clean and the type you wanna bring home to mom. ;)

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

I like facial hair but as long as you don't rub your face on my face when we're cuddling or making love cuz it hurts!!!!

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

I love a 5 o'clock shadow. I think it's sexy. :)

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

no facial hair

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

yuckY! but only if its the old man type of facial hair. a little on the right guy looks really hot!

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

I actually love it when my husband has a five oclock shadow. For some reason it makes him look more manly and sexy.

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

why the hell would you want facial hair its nasty ewwwwwww is all i have to say

Hey girls, thoughts on facial hair?

For me I really dont like facial hair cuz the feeling of hair near your face if you're kissing some1 is pretty gross.

Does bleaching cause more facial hair?

i bleached a couple of times before and i never really had as much as facial hair as i do now.. my frend said that it's probably beacuse of bleaching....

Does bleaching cause more facial hair?

How old are you? You may just be growing more hair as you grow older.

Bleach doesn't promote hair growth. It actually tends to promote hair loss.

Does bleaching cause more facial hair?


Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

I have facial hair on chin and I even have a little mustache. I use nair for mustache and I pluck my chin. I am thinking about getting that vaniqua prescription. This is very embarrassing. What can I do that will permanently work?

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

Have you been tested for PCOS? Spiranolactone is actually a prescription that slows down testosterone production hence lessening the amount of facial hair.

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

go for permanent hair removal via laser from a demotolegist

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

wax it or shave it

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

lazer hair removal. thats the only permanent thing.

i get one or two stray chin hairs, but pluck them. its not annoying to me and hubby don't care.

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

electrolysis is the only permanent solution. vanique is a gradual thing that reduces the hair over time.

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

nair works... keep on w that.... watever uu do, DONT WAX IT!!!! not only does it hurt like hell, it gives red spots for like a long time until the hairs just grow back anyway!!!

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

Laser hair removal that is done by a licensed doctor is the only permanent way to remove unwanted hair.

I would also suggest a check up with your doctor to check hormone levels. Sometimes having male pattern hair growth can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance that may be easily corrected.

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

laser hair removal, it will take at least 4-5 sessions but can be worth it if you don't have to worry about it again. hair can come back though with hormonal changes of pregnancy and menopause though.

Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

Nikky Wow!Your Extra News here!


Help!!! I have unwanted facial hair on chin!!?

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at http://tinyurl.com/ob6tt

Get rid of facial hair naturally?

Hi im 17, and for while i have been growing facial hair and i cant stand watching myself now on the miror for 5 seconds. I wanna kniw if there is any natural way of getting rid of it, not shaving since it will grow back. I know there might not be any real natural way, but there must be one that will make it never grow again and that wont cos any consequences, any help please? note: not waxing and laser removal ,i think they cause consequences

Get rid of facial hair naturally?

for permanent results... electrolysis and laser... but since u don't want that... there is a way... but i'm not sure if you're that willing to try it... estrogen pills... it develops more of your feminity and reduces testerone (masculinity) so.... poof goes your facial hair and manliness...

Does peppermint tea helps get rid of facial hair?

My mom read an article in a womens day magizine or something, and she told me if i drink peppermint tea it helps get rid of facial hair, i don't understand how it will get rid of it, i tryed EVERYTHING %26amp; nothing work's. I'm italian so i guess i have a lot of facial hair. %26amp; i really want to get rid of it. So i was wondering if it is true that Peppermint tea might work?!!?! help please!!!!!!!

Does peppermint tea helps get rid of facial hair?

it is true that it works but only to a small extent. it would take a lot of tea to make the hair go away completely. i suggest you get it waxed and drink the tea once in awhile to help the hair thin out

Does peppermint tea helps get rid of facial hair?

Ummm. No. I suggest waxing, or using a lightener made for that kind of hair

Does peppermint tea helps get rid of facial hair?

i have a same problem like you. but the thing that i do for my hair is i bought a hair serum treselle brand and it can make your hair smooth. try it.or for traditional tips, take the hibiscus leaf, smash it and pour it onto your hair. it will help your hair to be more great.

What to do about facial hair?

i have dark facial hair, and bleaching gives me reactions.

i dont wanna wax too painful and ownt it come back thicker?


What to do about facial hair?

Tweeze it, get electrolysis or laser.

What to do about facial hair?


What to do about facial hair?

laser treatment

quite pricey though

What to do about facial hair?

Mach 3 turbo. With the best shaving gel on the market.

What to do about facial hair?

You can get it laser removed, but if you can stand the pain the first few times than you will gat used to getting it waxed

What to do about facial hair?

Waxing won't make it come back thicker, shaving will. Besides electrolysis, waxing is your only and best option if you don't bleach.

Whatever you do, DON'T shave! It may be painless and make your skin soft, but your hair will grow back as STUBBLE. Ugh!

Good Luck, hope I helped!

What to do about facial hair?

there is this new thing out for women, it is like a laser treatment it is supposed to make it go away to were you never have to shave, wax oranything like that...thoguh i am unsure of the cost....go to google

What to do about facial hair?

If you have every plucked your eyebrows and can handle it try waxing them. Waxing you should find is less painful than plucking. If you can hadle the eyebrow wax you can handle it elsewhere, after a few times you will also find it grows in less. I do not find waxing painful but I was nervous the first time, just let them know... they will make sure you are comfortable.

Other wise electolysis.

What to do about facial hair?

your can buy razer hair removel hand held thing, or buffering thing check a catalog like Argos

What to do about facial hair?

If you wax it won't come in thicker, it's just a myth. I'm a hairdresser and I wax my clients facial hair a lot. It does hurt at first, but it's better that then spending a whole lot of money on electrolysis and getting a reaction from the bleaching. Take an asprin before you get the wax done. It will take away the redness and some of the swelling if any occurs. I wax my upper lip and yes it hurts for a second, but at least it's gone for a couple of weeks if not a month.

You could also try laser. Ask your doctor if it would work for you.

If you have anything else, just let me know.

What to do about facial hair?

If its not too bad you can just simply shave, whenever you shave yur legs, just remember the little bit of hair on you upper lip needs a little attention too. (or wherever it may be)

hope this works for you.

What to do about facial hair?

Sally Hansen and Nair are two hair removal creams that I recomend. I have thick, black facial hair as well and I am always pleased with these creams.

What to do about facial hair?

Laser is probably the best, but it's expensive. Waxing isn't that bad, you just have to get used to it. No, waxing does not make hair come in thicker, shaving does. Waxing actually will thin out the hair and eventually it may go away. I'd would try waxing first or plucking, it's the same thing. If it really hurts, try icing the area first and wait till it's numb and then pull out the hair.

What to do about facial hair?

My ex had the same problem. She wasn't a fan of waxing either but instead she shaved, you should try that.

What to do about facial hair?

Quit the steroids girl! They do that to you.

What to do about facial hair?

Just shave it off. It will come back, but it'll look better without it....believe meeeee.....

What to do about facial hair?

No, it will never come back thicker, the only reason people think that is because stubble always feels thicker than longer hairs. Think about it, why would taking hairs out by their roots create extra roots or bigger roots?

Just shave it, or spend three hours with tweezers.

I do recommend waxing because it makes the roots of my hair invisible too, so my skin is super smooth. The upper lip hair is fine and has shorter roots than leg hair, bikini area, it is not nearly as painful as people imagine. It feels like a sting for a minute and then you rub cool oil on it to soothe the skin. And it is SO quick and then you don't have to do it again for 2 weeks.

What to do about facial hair?

I remember once, on a talk show, there was a black woman who couldn't get rid of her big beard. It was awful, but she married a white man.

I wonder what her disorder is called.

That's no picnac.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Im 20 years old and I have my facial hair like this...........


do girls like guys with that type of facial hair?

if yes, why? if no, why not?

Thanks for answering!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

oh yea...i think thats hot...

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I like a guy with facial hair. It's hot, and feels good. ~~~

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

it depends... i'm not much into facial hair myself. Maybe a little of it but not alot like that pic!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

It depends if it looks good with the shape of your face..some guys it does..some it does nothing for.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yep, in between the thighs is the best!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

depends on the person... usually facial hair can be intimidating, so i like no facial hair

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

ur black??? nah just kidding my girl likes my facial hair.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Yes, some type of girls dig that

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

It depends on how the guy looks with it or without it. On some guys it looks great and on some it just don't.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

not a huge fan? but i don't mind

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

i love the scruffy look!!!!!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes, as long as they shave it off every day!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes i do. If it looks well groomed and well taken care up i do!

Shawna. =)

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

nope, never liked the facial hair


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Depends on the girl.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

personally i think it's fine..

it doesn't really bother me either way

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

i personally dont like facial hair on guys it tickles when you kiss... or other things... sometimes it looks good but i dont like it

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes they do many girls like facial hair, but there are those who dont.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I don't.Because when i kiss it hurts my skin.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I personally do not like men with facial hair (looks-wise). I personally think it is way hotter to be clean-shaved or maybe the five o'clock shadow if you can pull it off. Looks a lot more manly in my opinion.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

No. they tend to smell, feel prickly, and usually trap bits of food.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Sexy.....maturity......shows good grooming habits to because it require more maintenance. But I love it.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

U have hair like Snoop I think its hott he is

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Personally: I don't like any type of facial hair because it feels weird!!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

some because we dont want to be kissing a bunch of hair...but sometimes its cute. it depends also on what facial hair this is

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I love facial hair on guys but it has to suit the guy and his facial structure. Some guys just look funny. And some try to grow some and can't and they have patches all over their face which look funny too.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

depends, everyone has different opinions, likes and dislikes. but from what i can recall, yes, facial hair is cool, just not a lot like sasquatch.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

shave that scotum hair off your chin and grow a real beard

What are some ways to get your facial hair to grow longer and thicker?

Im 20 and my brother is 17 and we both dont have any facial hair. But my dad has lots of facial hair and at an early age to..what can i do?

What are some ways to get your facial hair to grow longer and thicker?

It's genetic there really nothing you can do.Try shaving to release the closed hair pores. I don't know how much that will work but it's worth a try.

What are some ways to get your facial hair to grow longer and thicker?

There really isnt anything you can do...its just in your genes...its just how much testosterone you have...but you both are young...you might get thicker hair as you get older...but just like girls who cant permanently get rid of there facial hair...you cant make more grow...its just how your body is...

A Question about Facial Hair...?

im going to try to make this understandable...well heres the problem..on the left side of my face my facial hair grows normal down but on the other side it starts down but by the ear it goes back it seems to grow back just turns...also the left side seems to grow more than the right of my face...and im trying to figure out how to make both sides of my face grow the same way??? they have told me to shave it in upward position sh1t did not have any effect...Thenks in advanced

A Question about Facial Hair...?

Well common knowledge is that the more frequently u shave the more hair growth u will see, also the direction in which u shave will provoke the hair growing direction. Ur told to shave in upward position but how much time have u given for the hair to start growing in that direction? u'd not c the results in just 2 to 3 shavings but u'll need to harbour patience and wait for atleast 10 more shaves.

Also other alternative is try using a trimmer instead of smooth shave, use the trimmer more on the left side since it grows more u can thus try balancing the hair growth. I think u need to consult a doctor for teh hair growth problem as it's genetic and u truly can't do anything about it as such. not all the similar body parts are alike for eg. some have their right feet longer or shorter then the left or vice versa , lean or thicker, this is applicable to ears, hands. So the problem ur facing is from within ur body all u can do is just try to balance it out. u have either shaving daily option or trimming to balance out the growth problem.

As far as the direction of hair growth try to shave in a single direction and if at all u do shave in the opposite direction try and c to it that u maintain the same direction on the other side of ur face. All u need to do is have a bit of patience for the direction to work out. I know this coz something bit similar happened with my brother and all he had to do was shave everyday coz he wanted to shave everyday but he tried maintaining the same direction.

I hope it helps. and Cheer up it's a petty thing don't worry bout it at all be happy and all will be fine :)

A Question about Facial Hair...?

it may have something to do with the side of the face thats on the pillow at nite, and you might notice a difference in the hair on your head also,

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Is there something wrong with me? I have pubes and also some armpit and chest/thorax hair... but no facial hair!!

Has this happened to someone?

btw my dad and all my family grows facial hair

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

I wouldn't worry, some guys just take longer. Give it time.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

lol....my facial started growing when i was 14-15

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

lucky you! shaving is such a hassle... it won't last tho, you'll end up like the rest of us... enjoy it while you can.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Be glad. Shaving sucks !!

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

so what your dad grows facial hair, is your dad 17? i hope not. i grew facial hair at 13 but it runs in my family lol. every1s different, and even if you dun get facial hair its not the end of the world, just saves not shaving heh

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

its not abnormal... my friend is 20 and only has to shave everyother month..if even that.. so not a problem

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

be greatfull! from what i hear, its a pain in the a**. lol. dont know if i can say that on here. sounds sexy.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

This is perfectly normal for your body... the facial hair will come in time. I've known men who didn't have to shave until they were in their 20's so relax... everyone is a little different. And as the guys are telling you, be thankful you don't have to shave yet... it can be a hassle...

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Less facial hair are present in some people . It is normal.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Harmone effect, whether you have hair or not just go on shaving. Hair roots may start opening.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

it is normal

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

dude I didnt start getting facial hair tell I was 19. The best and easy way to stimulate facial hair growth is to shave the area because when I was 19 I barely had any and when I went into the military I was forced to shave and after 1 week of shaving every morning or night I forgot when we shaved I was growing facial hair like crazy litterly making me have to shave everyday because of the shaving stimulation.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

everyone goes thrue differant stages of puberty at diffirrant stages. i had pibic hair when i was 10 and the other boys in the change rooms use to lagh so id laugh at them coz they all had smaller penises. hang on we are getting off the track here so what im trying to say is that you should let your body mature at its own rate puberty in males start from 9-13 years sometimes older and can finish anywhere up to when your 25. and there is two bonuses 1) you dont have to shave and 2) is that you got a nice smooth face chicks hate stuble it scratches there face so you dont have to put up with there wining about your facial hair.

is all sweet bro youll be cool youll have facial hare when it happens dont rush what doesnt have to be rushed

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

ur shud think ur self lucky!! lol. i hate to see men and lads with a stubble or beard or even a bit of hair on ther face,so i wouldnt worrie about it u'll be fine and just saves u not shaving! xx

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Dont worry,...

You have so much time to have facial hair....17 is not late at all....

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

My brother is 38 with no facial hair. It's no big deal. Some people get it, some people don't. Hell shaving is not the most fun thing in the world to do anyways

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Im 20 years old and I have my facial hair like this...........


do girls like guys with that type of facial hair?

if yes, why? if no, why not?

Thanks for answering!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

oh yea...i think thats hot...

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I like a guy with facial hair. It's hot, and feels good. ~~~

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

it depends... i'm not much into facial hair myself. Maybe a little of it but not alot like that pic!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

It depends if it looks good with the shape of your face..some guys it does..some it does nothing for.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yep, in between the thighs is the best!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

depends on the person... usually facial hair can be intimidating, so i like no facial hair

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

ur black??? nah just kidding my girl likes my facial hair.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Yes, some type of girls dig that

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

It depends on how the guy looks with it or without it. On some guys it looks great and on some it just don't.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

not a huge fan? but i don't mind

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

i love the scruffy look!!!!!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes, as long as they shave it off every day!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes i do. If it looks well groomed and well taken care up i do!

Shawna. =)

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

nope, never liked the facial hair


Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Depends on the girl.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

personally i think it's fine..

it doesn't really bother me either way

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

i personally dont like facial hair on guys it tickles when you kiss... or other things... sometimes it looks good but i dont like it

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

yes they do many girls like facial hair, but there are those who dont.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I don't.Because when i kiss it hurts my skin.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I personally do not like men with facial hair (looks-wise). I personally think it is way hotter to be clean-shaved or maybe the five o'clock shadow if you can pull it off. Looks a lot more manly in my opinion.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

No. they tend to smell, feel prickly, and usually trap bits of food.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Sexy.....maturity......shows good grooming habits to because it require more maintenance. But I love it.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

U have hair like Snoop I think its hott he is

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

Personally: I don't like any type of facial hair because it feels weird!!

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

some because we dont want to be kissing a bunch of hair...but sometimes its cute. it depends also on what facial hair this is

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

I love facial hair on guys but it has to suit the guy and his facial structure. Some guys just look funny. And some try to grow some and can't and they have patches all over their face which look funny too.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

depends, everyone has different opinions, likes and dislikes. but from what i can recall, yes, facial hair is cool, just not a lot like sasquatch.

Do girls like a guy with facial hair?

shave that scotum hair off your chin and grow a real beard

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like some facial hair.. not too much though!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Some facial hair. The scruffy, rugged look is so sexy.

閳?br>Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?


Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

eww, no hair! at least on the face ;-)

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Clean shaven, although a little one day stubble is quite sexy.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I don't care about their facial hair. As long as they have nice muscles, they turn me on bigtime.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Shaven. A little chin stubble is ok, but no more than a millimetre or so.

Beards are NOT hot. =/

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Gotta have facial hair!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I am all for a clean shaven face - I was military for a long time and that is simply what I am used to.....

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like to shave clean for my man, but I like him to have some hair. I am a male to female tansgender, and I believe men should have hair, but us girls we need to shave!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like shaven mostly, but sometimes the 5 o'clock shadow is kinda hot.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Afternoon stubble is sexy. Loved to shave my lover in the morning. Only cut him once.

Over all for men in general however, clean shaven or maybe with the right look a little stubble - the kind of wild boy look.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

3 day stubble or a goatie mmmmmmmmmmmmm

nice and masculine

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Stubbley chin! Stubbley sideburns! I love them xD

As long as they don't have a beard.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Beards are good for capturing small food particles, for covering really bad skin, and for irritating the skin of the person they're up against. Ew.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Clean shaven all the way but if theirs a little stubble one day i dont mind (by the way im staright)

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I prefer a clean shaven guy. However, there are some guys out there who have some facial hair (nicely trimmed) and it looks very hot. So I guess it depends on the guy for me.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

It depends on the guy. A little bit of facial hair can be hot.

My brother in law and some other guy friends have gotten me to appreciate big crazy beards and those can be awesome, but that's the kind of thing that will make me laugh (in a good way), but not attract me by any means.

Oh, and BTW I'm a straight female in case you want to know.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Chinstrap's kinda hot... or clean shaven.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Facial hair but with a shaved head, lots of tattoos and big muscles. Oh! My! it's seems to be getting warm in here!!!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Little's not bad but prefer clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

It depends on the guy. I do like a nice little bit of stubble, though. That's what I've got and it suits me well.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Neither one. I prefer woman without any facial hair.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I think there is nothing wrong with some well groomed facial fuzz Nothing at all.


Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Facial hair

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

both, it all depends on what the guy looks like though...

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like wolverine not beast

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

So long as it's neat and clean it doesn't bother me.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

facial hair but not tooo much. more of a stubble.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

I have PCOS and it gives me a little facial hair that I don't want! %26gt;%26lt; But I don't want to make it worse by waxing or shaving it, cause I am already dark haired.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

I am a cosmetologist...so trust me on this..... it will not make it come back thicker or darker.

Shaving---it gives the illusion that it is thicker because it cuts the hair at an angle...... it is still the same hair size

Waxing----it doesn't make it do anything along these lines. Waxing/plucking actually over time will kill the hair bulb making it not ever grow back. By doing this, since the new hair has to grow---it has a less sharp/angled edge and appears thinner and softer because it is new

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

why yes it will!! d@mn you stubble!

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

no. just more "stubbly" and coarse.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

you should wax it.. it won't come back darker. I do it all the time!

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

no.. shaving or waxing will not make it grow back darker.. the colour is determined in the pigment of the folicle.. this is why it doesn't change.. try getting it lasered.. so its permanent

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Waxing will make it come back finer. Shaving won't make it thicker. It appears thicker because the tips of the hair aren't fine, therefore giving you the impression that it did get thicker...not true though!

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

well maybe try using a hair lightener instead of shaving

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?


Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

yeh and your face wil have green patches were you shaved !!!!!!!! not nice

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

shaving will not make it come back thicker or darker. thats just a myth. the thing is, the hair is still growing when you do this. waxing is the only way to go for getting rid of facial hair!

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Don't shave it, try waxing. It won't grow back darker. Over time waxing will make the hairs finer. There is also a prescription cream you can get that will decrease the amount of facial hair. I can't recall the name right now but it is something like VANQUA. Ask your doctor to be sure. Hope this helped.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Waxing will not make it come back thicker. Shaving will make it come back corse. Since when you shave you cut the softer end off and leaves the base.

I've had great luck with wax strips on my upper lip. Its simple to do at home and gets rid of most hairs, plus you can tweeze any leftovers.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

it will come back more britle and harsh but not darker.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Shaving is the worst thing you could do but waxing is fine and eventually the hair won't grow back anymore.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?


Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

I don't know about waxing, but shaving definately will make it grow back darker and thicker, if you keep up the practice of shaving it alot.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

well if you shave it will for sure make it darker but i don't really know if waxing will or not

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

shaving your face will make the hair somewhat more coarse but waxing or using nair or a nair product wont

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

I don't know about waxing but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't shave..It'll come back thick. I know this girl i worked with and she shaved her mustache,and the results are uuugly.so don't shave it...

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Yes and no, Certain people's facial hair can sometimes get so damaged with waxing, it eventually dies, or becomes thinner but with myself its gets darker and more hairs appear, BUT with shaving, hair gets thicker and darker, shaving facial hair is never ever good.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Yes, take it from me and my twin sister, we both have pcos, and other hormonee problems, and we shaved ours and now its bad! We tryed laser hair removal and that helped temporary. It is smooth and fine until about a year and then it gets worse and you have to start shaving. There are some meds you can take that will help stop the growth just ask your doctor,

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

probably both. just keep waxing it if you don't want people to see it.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Try a cream remover especially for the face like Sally Hansen offers. Never use soap within a couple hours before or after using the cream and to see if the cream is ready to come off (normally just a couple minutes), take a pair of tweezers and pinch one of the hairs;if it turns to mush, take it off, if it still has some resistance, let it on a little longer. Waxing and shaving supposedly don't change the hairs, but they will feel different to you(stubbly) and you can actually eventually damage the follicle over a period of time by waxing.

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

Well, hmmmm. . . Zulu beat me to it. Great answer, Zulu!

Will waxing or shaving facial hair make it come back darker or thicker?

they say so.. but some say that if you are going to apply a cream on the area it will become white again...

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Is there something wrong with me? I have pubes and also some armpit and chest/thorax hair... but no facial hair!!

Has this happened to someone?

btw my dad and all my family grows facial hair

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

I wouldn't worry, some guys just take longer. Give it time.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

lol....my facial started growing when i was 14-15

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

lucky you! shaving is such a hassle... it won't last tho, you'll end up like the rest of us... enjoy it while you can.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Be glad. Shaving sucks !!

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

so what your dad grows facial hair, is your dad 17? i hope not. i grew facial hair at 13 but it runs in my family lol. every1s different, and even if you dun get facial hair its not the end of the world, just saves not shaving heh

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

its not abnormal... my friend is 20 and only has to shave everyother month..if even that.. so not a problem

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

be greatfull! from what i hear, its a pain in the a**. lol. dont know if i can say that on here. sounds sexy.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

This is perfectly normal for your body... the facial hair will come in time. I've known men who didn't have to shave until they were in their 20's so relax... everyone is a little different. And as the guys are telling you, be thankful you don't have to shave yet... it can be a hassle...

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Less facial hair are present in some people . It is normal.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Harmone effect, whether you have hair or not just go on shaving. Hair roots may start opening.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

it is normal

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

dude I didnt start getting facial hair tell I was 19. The best and easy way to stimulate facial hair growth is to shave the area because when I was 19 I barely had any and when I went into the military I was forced to shave and after 1 week of shaving every morning or night I forgot when we shaved I was growing facial hair like crazy litterly making me have to shave everyday because of the shaving stimulation.

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

everyone goes thrue differant stages of puberty at diffirrant stages. i had pibic hair when i was 10 and the other boys in the change rooms use to lagh so id laugh at them coz they all had smaller penises. hang on we are getting off the track here so what im trying to say is that you should let your body mature at its own rate puberty in males start from 9-13 years sometimes older and can finish anywhere up to when your 25. and there is two bonuses 1) you dont have to shave and 2) is that you got a nice smooth face chicks hate stuble it scratches there face so you dont have to put up with there wining about your facial hair.

is all sweet bro youll be cool youll have facial hare when it happens dont rush what doesnt have to be rushed

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

ur shud think ur self lucky!! lol. i hate to see men and lads with a stubble or beard or even a bit of hair on ther face,so i wouldnt worrie about it u'll be fine and just saves u not shaving! xx

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

Dont worry,...

You have so much time to have facial hair....17 is not late at all....

I am 17 yo and have no facial hair!!?

My brother is 38 with no facial hair. It's no big deal. Some people get it, some people don't. Hell shaving is not the most fun thing in the world to do anyways

I hate my facial hair..help me?

I'm a Nursing student so it requires to be neat all the time.. damn this facial hair.. Everytime I shave it, it grows back fast... what can I do? how can get rid of it permanently? is there a home remedy for this? damn!!

thank you guys!!

I hate my facial hair..help me?

Laser hair removal.No home remedies that I can think of other then Naids, and thats after prolonged usage.

I hate my facial hair..help me?


I hate my facial hair..help me?

no home remedies... sorry!

lazer or I.P.L. (new technology) are the only way to stop hair growth permanently... takes about 6-10 sessions .. depending on growth rate... plus its expensive.

I hate my facial hair..help me?

Laser hair removal is the best way to permanently remove the hair. If going through laser hair removal is too much for you, try getting waxing kits in drug stores. I wax at home, and the results are perfect. Waxing feels like ripping tape off your skin, so it doesn't really hurt that much, though it may be slightly different for different people.

P.S. Waxing doesn't get rid of hair permanently. It will only last up to about 4 weeks. Once hair grows back, waxing needs to be done again.

I hate my facial hair..help me?

You could consider bleaching it with Sally Hansens.

I hate my facial hair..help me?

All I can think of is dear god(or whatever deity you prefer) don't use any over the counter hair removal products!

The skin on your face is very sensitive and something like nair or waxing(or sugaring) will leave you with a sore ridden mess that itches like crazy.. not to mention it will probably come in patchy.

I would actually talk to a certified consultant, they could probably give you more options that would be a bit less pricey, either in pain or pocketbook.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like some facial hair.. not too much though!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Some facial hair. The scruffy, rugged look is so sexy.

閳?br>Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?


Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

eww, no hair! at least on the face ;-)

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Clean shaven, although a little one day stubble is quite sexy.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I don't care about their facial hair. As long as they have nice muscles, they turn me on bigtime.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Shaven. A little chin stubble is ok, but no more than a millimetre or so.

Beards are NOT hot. =/

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Gotta have facial hair!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I am all for a clean shaven face - I was military for a long time and that is simply what I am used to.....

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like to shave clean for my man, but I like him to have some hair. I am a male to female tansgender, and I believe men should have hair, but us girls we need to shave!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like shaven mostly, but sometimes the 5 o'clock shadow is kinda hot.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Afternoon stubble is sexy. Loved to shave my lover in the morning. Only cut him once.

Over all for men in general however, clean shaven or maybe with the right look a little stubble - the kind of wild boy look.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

3 day stubble or a goatie mmmmmmmmmmmmm

nice and masculine

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Stubbley chin! Stubbley sideburns! I love them xD

As long as they don't have a beard.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Beards are good for capturing small food particles, for covering really bad skin, and for irritating the skin of the person they're up against. Ew.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Clean shaven all the way but if theirs a little stubble one day i dont mind (by the way im staright)

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I prefer a clean shaven guy. However, there are some guys out there who have some facial hair (nicely trimmed) and it looks very hot. So I guess it depends on the guy for me.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

It depends on the guy. A little bit of facial hair can be hot.

My brother in law and some other guy friends have gotten me to appreciate big crazy beards and those can be awesome, but that's the kind of thing that will make me laugh (in a good way), but not attract me by any means.

Oh, and BTW I'm a straight female in case you want to know.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Chinstrap's kinda hot... or clean shaven.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Facial hair but with a shaved head, lots of tattoos and big muscles. Oh! My! it's seems to be getting warm in here!!!

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Little's not bad but prefer clean shaven

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

It depends on the guy. I do like a nice little bit of stubble, though. That's what I've got and it suits me well.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Neither one. I prefer woman without any facial hair.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I think there is nothing wrong with some well groomed facial fuzz Nothing at all.


Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

Facial hair

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

both, it all depends on what the guy looks like though...

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

I like wolverine not beast

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

So long as it's neat and clean it doesn't bother me.

Do you prefer facial hair or clean shaven on your guy?

facial hair but not tooo much. more of a stubble.

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

im definitly not a man %26amp; the only super manly-visible facial hair i ever had was a mustache that i started waxing off years ago

now all of a sudden im getting an extra layer of peach fuzz on the side of my face that seems to be spreading..itt's too fuzzy %26amp; nasty..

why? im not on steroids or anything!!

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

ok...do not listen to anyone who says you are just manlie or getting really old!Try talking to your doctor and also try "Ideal Image" it is a place you go to and they will take your hair off and it is not supposed to come back!Other than that just be yourself and do not listen to what everyone else says!Just ignore them!

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

probably something hormonal go see a doctor and he/she can treat it

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

its called getting older.

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

Fell headlong into crap maybe?

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

i have the same thing it SUX.... cuz it sure does make me feel like a man.... well, i went to the doctor, and supposedly she says i have more testosterone in my body than normal... so basically, its hormonal and that its normal... i DON'T think it is... i am still trying to find out what i have exactly... in the meantime, i wax at the salon as often as i can

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

you may be having a hormone imbalance. you may want to see a doctor and they can determine your hormone level. you may want to try laser hair removal or if that is too expensive then you can try a facial dipilatory creme that melts the hair.

Why is my facial hair increasing???!!?

you have more testerone in your dna. that is why. also it could be heredity. the proucts you use on your skin and what you eat. all can make our skin have more hair. i have a lot of hair on my legs. and i'm a chick. shaving it makes it grow faster and quicker. i say wax. it makes the hair grow back fine, but it hurts a lot. good luck.

Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?

I'm 18 and I'm starting to grow facial hair... Its very annoying to have to shave everyday to look young and clean. Someone hair won't even shave off no matter what many times I go through that area. I'm using an electric shaver btw.

Is there a way to slow the growth down? Shaving every morning is kind of annyoing. Its like an extra chore...

Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?

its part of life buddy, i dont think theres any way to slow it down

Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?

when you find out, let me know, i was wondering about that long ago.i never found out any other way, except shave it off, its in our hormones. your unique, most guys want whiskers.

Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?

It's just you growing up. If you look at me, I'm 15, and have a mustache, beard, sideburns, the whole 9 yards. I have hair where every man is supposed to have hair. It's weird, but I like it! :D it makes me look older than I really am.

But a good razor I use is that gillete fusion thingy. It has 5 blades and works really well. You can try and use that one. It's blue and orange, incase you're wondering what color it is.

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?


My Nephew recently told my son that if he shaves when he is 13, (which he did) when he is older, his facial hair will grow out in a funny way, that is all twisted...

Is there any truth to that, and should I tell my son not to shave again until he is older?

My son currently has a little bit of hair, and it grows back in about a week.

Please Help!

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

The only thing that makes hair grow in a weird way is either DNA or special conditioning, ie: like when you make a tree grow out to the side instead of straight up.

He's fine to keep shaving, the only thing shaving has been "known" to do is cause the hair to grow back faster on occasion, or possibly cause ingrown hairs.

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

No just an old wives tale.

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

Not true at all.

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

NO stop worrying !

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

Well i tryed to shave when i was 13 and it like made it stop growing! so the answer is YES!!!! it still has't grown in yet

Does Shaving When You Are 13 Make Your Facial Hair Grow In A Weird Way?

its untrue

What can be done for someone whose laser facial hair treatments did not work?

I know a young girl who is depressed and forced to shave facial hair after five laser treatments that burned her face and did not reduce hair. Any suggestions for a treatment course?

What can be done for someone whose laser facial hair treatments did not work?

uh. just wax? you'll get used to doing it a lot eventually... I suggest parissa hardening wax.

Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?

i heard some where that skin discoloration can occur if you bleach your hair facial hair often....is this true???? and what kidn of discoloration are we talking about?? any other side effects?

Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?

Somtimes the skin bleaches but it will go away the next day/ the hair often starts to grown out showing roots , if ur hair grows fast that is, so u have 2 keep up with the bleaching! other than that its a cheap easy method. hope it helps

Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?


Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?

You look gay.

Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?

No, discoloration. If you leave it on longer than the suggested time then it will get a little red. It happened to me once. Doesnt stay red long

Are there any bad side effects to bleaching facial hair?

I little red spots (my friend got white ones) when I leave the bleach on too long but only lasts about an hour or so. It is a burn and should not be permanent but i'd be careful anyway.