Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

my 2 month old baby seems to have lots of facial hair especially on his forehead, upperlip chin and brows(also i think he is too young his bones of skull havent formed yet and that shadow over the brow makes him kinda look unibrow acc to my friend : ( ). My friend who has twins says it is not normal?

I am a first time mom and have no clue! Any suggestions and also any remedies which might help, i dont want to do anything that may harm him or cause pain.

Let me know.


2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Babies, especially the younger ones, tend to have some interesting hair issues.

Before they're born, they're actually covered in fine hair all over.

If your son is newly developing this, and its short fine hair, I wouldn't worry about it, his baby hormones and system are still figuring everything out. If the hair growl long, thick, bushy, or continues past the next few months consider seeing your pediatrician about it.

In terms of removal of it.... Don't. It may not be the most photogenic thing in the planet, but its perfectly healthy for your child. Adding bleaches, creams, shaving, etc can cause skin irritation and problems in the long run....

From what you say, your baby is normal.

Love him for all the wonderful baby things he is, and say a silent prayer for your friend who has twins. She's a parent not a pediatrician, and her well meaning words have caused you great grief, on a subject that is likely going to be a moot point.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

This is normal. You don't need to do anything about it, it will fall off in time. My son was born with fuzz on his back, and it went away.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Don't do anything to him! Was he premmie? All babies hae hair in the womb it is for protection I think. It is called Laguno hair. My bub was quite hairy too especially in his back, he was only 3 weeks early, It does disappear. Ask your Dr I am sure he will confirm this.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

My neices and nephews were hairy like that.and just grew out of it...its normal...If you are concerned tho take him in to be checked.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

It's normal. That hair will most likely fall out by the time he's a year old. My daughter was SOOO hairy at first, black hair all over her face and body, and by the time she was a year old, even the hair on her head had fallen out. Then the hair on her head grew back, but light brown instead of black. Tell your friend with twins that twins aren't "normal" and to keep her opinions to herself.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

My son was born with a lot of hair on his ears, upper lip, shoulders, and his back. We called him our little monkey=). My two nieces were also. It will go away. My son still has hair on his upper lip and his ears. The shoulder hair and back hair has fallen out. My son is 4 months. Both of my nieces are a year old and their hair also fell out...I believe they were around 6 months when it was all gone.

Personally I wouldn't do anything for it. It will go away on its own and removing hair for an adult is painful I would hate to think how it would feel to an infant.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

Its normal. My daughter had hair on her ears like an old man. It will eventually fall out.

2 month with facial hair?is it normal?any remedy?

no need to worry this is common . if you are concerned contact his pediatrician office by phone and i am sure they will reassure u not worry it will go away with time.

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