I'm 18 and I'm starting to grow facial hair... Its very annoying to have to shave everyday to look young and clean. Someone hair won't even shave off no matter what many times I go through that area. I'm using an electric shaver btw.
Is there a way to slow the growth down? Shaving every morning is kind of annyoing. Its like an extra chore...
Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?
its part of life buddy, i dont think theres any way to slow it down
Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?
when you find out, let me know, i was wondering about that long ago.i never found out any other way, except shave it off, its in our hormones. your unique, most guys want whiskers.
Is there a way slow the growth of facial hair?
It's just you growing up. If you look at me, I'm 15, and have a mustache, beard, sideburns, the whole 9 yards. I have hair where every man is supposed to have hair. It's weird, but I like it! :D it makes me look older than I really am.
But a good razor I use is that gillete fusion thingy. It has 5 blades and works really well. You can try and use that one. It's blue and orange, incase you're wondering what color it is.
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